The excerpt “…

The excerpt “reading Obama” finds Obama’s anti-foundationalist, historicism and philosophical pragmatism approach to politics to be an undistorted American way.This American way is the ability to welcome change and make reforms if needed. The constitution was built with change in mind and the foreshadowing that later it would be revised. In being a democracy the opinion of both democratic and republican party is needed, through these two parties ideas can be formed through which laws can be made. The difference of the individual is the strength of the constitution. Obama’s policy making is not dependent on the pass but a forward outlook that builds on the constitution of old. In order for democracy to always progress the old forums of argument which made the laws of the constitution must be preserved but upon being found to inflict on a new generations view of democracy be made changeable, only through debate and the acceptance that the laws will change with generations can a democratic form of government be upheld.Image

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