“Miss Representation” a film that premiered on the Oprah network deals with the issues of the media  and how its being such an ingrained part of our lives leads to miss representation of the female. The media in essence determines how the boys and girls of today act; girls are taught that looks are important and determine their value boys learn that this is what they should judge women by. The older women get the more they worry about their bodies for females “at age 13 53% are unhappy with their bodies and by age 17 that number goes to 78%, 65 % of girls have a eating disorder “(miss representation 9:32). According to Ariella a student, women go to great lengths to portray a projected image as a result of the pressure of men. The images that females chase after is an illusion made possible by the technological age in which models are edited and made into “perfect women”. Real women are in turn put on a back burner as the ideal images which men seek are model features that are non existent. Women who view themselves as objects become vulnerable to self-objectification, they are less happy and are mentally unproductive as they do not aspire to climb the success ladder. Television is a huge contributor to how women are viewed as females are limited to stagnant roles that ultimately revolve around men. The category of Chick flix, protagonist roles that have women as “Fighting Fuck toy” or the stuck up big business women who can’t get a man because she’s occupied with work, all contribute to the misrepresentation of women and leave the progress of women static. Women are not given enough roles of power that can inspire  young women into not being objects but leaders. The more power women have the more they are downplayed by society and are scrutinized for their looks and compliment for their looks instead of their qualifications. Male are not the only cause of the assault on female progress but women themselves as in the documentary a young lady is running for president of the YMCA, she loses and her contestant a male says females are less likely to vote for her. Miss Representation attributes one of the main cause of the stereotypes and lack of respect for women to be a result of lack of representation in the media in which their voices are so small, this limits the scope of women as a major way to nurture young women into self respect would be through the television.

Who owns most the majority of media? women also contribute to the misrepresentation of women in their hate towards each other

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